We are dramatically faster, and more accurate at anomaly detection than anyone on the market. Just ask the US Army.
In the course of performing a CRADA with the Office of the Secretary of the Army, Entanglement, Inc. (EI), has demonstrated a dramatically faster and more accurate cybersecurity anomaly detection capability - with far fewer false positives.” SeQure was built to commercialize Entanglement’s ground-breaking cybersecurity and data observability solution. Find out more here: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1180411.pdf.

Next-Gen compute makes us better.
Computation was one of the most limiting factors when scaling zero-trust continuous monitoring of large networks: not any more. SeQure fuses quantum algorithms and next-gen semiconductors to eliminate the challenges of compute.

Speed makes us better.
SeQure finds and identifies novel attacks faster (in seconds, not days) than any market competitor with a solution that fuses quantum algorithms and next-gen semiconductors.

Cloud-free makes us better.
By leveraging quantum algorithms and next-gen semiconductors, SeQure is faster than any cloud-based competitor ensuring you have the most secure system on the planet.

SeQure is the best cybersecurity and data observability product on the market.
We've created a bridge-to-quantum™ technology breakthrough that improves, radically redefines, and course-corrects data observability and cybersecurity, now.